Shoppers welcome engage™ for the verification of product authenticity and protection from the rise in counterfeiting

Brand Protection
April 27, 2021
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engage™ product authentication

Shoppers welcome engage™ for the verification of product authenticity and protection from the rise in counterfeiting

A recent survey revealed, that close to half of the shoppers in the UK would be happy to use a smartphone app to reveal a counterfeit product before its purchase.

The poll conducted by engage, part of the ELTRONIS Group, also revealed that one in five people in the UK bought counterfeit products within the last year. Furthermore, shoppers agreed that it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference between original products and fakes.

Technology is perceived as a crucial factor in the fight against counterfeiters. Almost half of the responders said they ‘definitely would’ use an app to scan the products in-store and verify their authenticity. The poll participants also said that they would be more inclined to visit the actual shops and stores than buy online.

As a result, an alarming number of British survey participants were unsure whether they had mistakenly bought any fakes. On a brighter note, however, 48% of UK shoppers said they were aware of the widespread nature of counterfeiting on the global scale.

This survey comes right at the heels of the engage™ launch by the ELTRONIS Group. engage™ is a new cloud-based software solution that provides brands with a simple, yet sophisticated tool to protect goods from skilled counterfeiters and keeps both the customers and the brands safe.

engage™ delivers trust and transparency to brands all over the world and is designed to meet the ever-growing demand for a simple solution that would allow consumers and brands to interact and communicate as well as protect their goods.

The serious problem of the increasingly prevalent counterfeits encompasses the globe and online sales make is all too easy for the fraudsters to trick consumers and replace the genuine items with fakes.

Pete Smallwood, Business Development Manager at ELTRONIS, had this to say “The fact that counterfeit manufacturers have become so skilled at replicating products is a major cause for concern, both for consumers and brands. Shoppers end up buying items that they believe are authentic and then lose trust in the designer brand which in return causes significant damage to its reputation.”

Shoppers were asked how often would they use a smartphone app to reveal the counterfeit products before making the purchase. Their response was ‘most of the time’. It was revealed that they would ‘always’ use the app if it allowed them to take part in promotions or loyalty campaigns, in addition to checking the authenticity of the purchased products.

Pete concluded: “The aim of the survey was to highlight how counterfeiting is becoming increasingly prevalent and how easy it is for fraudsters to trick consumers and replace genuine items with fakes.

By adding engage™ to products, brands can help counter this trend, promoting the provenance of the item, and building protection against potential counterfeits, all through the use of our smartphones. ”Shoppers welcome engage™ for the verification of product authenticity and protection from the rise in counterfeiting

A recent survey revealed, that close to half of the shopper sin the UK would be happy to use a smartphone app to reveal a counterfeit product before its purchase.

The poll conducted by engage™, part of the ELTRONIS Group, also revealed that one in five people in the UK bought counterfeit products within the last year. Furthermore, shoppers agreed that it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference between original products and fakes.

Technology is perceived as a crucial factor in the fight against counterfeiters. Almost half of the responders said they ‘definitely would’ use an app to scan the products in-store and verify their authenticity. The poll participants also said that they would be more inclined to visit the actual shops and stores than buy online.

As a result, an alarming number of British survey participants were unsure whether they had mistakenly bought any fakes. On a brighter note, however, 48% of UK shoppers said they were aware of the widespread nature of counterfeiting on the global scale.

This survey comes right at the heels of the engage™ launch by the ELTRONIS Group. engage™ is a new cloud-based software solution that provides brands with a simple, yet sophisticated tool to protect goods from skilled counterfeiters and keeps both the customers and the brands safe.

engage™ delivers trust and transparency to brands all over the world and is designed to meet the ever-growing demand for a simple solution that would allow consumers and brands to interact and communicate as well as protect their goods.

The serious problem of the increasingly prevalent counterfeits encompasses the globe and online sales make is all too easy for the fraudsters to trick consumers and replace the genuine items with fakes.

Pete Smallwood, Business Development Manager at ELTRONIS, had this to say “The fact that counterfeit manufacturers have become so skilled at replicating products is a major cause for concern, both for consumers and brands. Shoppers end up buying items that they believe are authentic and then lose trust in the designer brand which in return causes significant damage to its reputation.”

Shoppers were asked how often would they use a smartphone app to reveal the counterfeit products before making the purchase. Their response was ‘most of the time’. It was revealed that they would ‘always’ use the app if it allowed them to take part in promotions or loyalty campaigns, in addition to checking the authenticity of the purchased products.

Pete concluded: “The aim of the survey was to highlight how counterfeiting is becoming increasingly prevalent and how easy it is for fraudsters to trick consumers and replace genuine items with fakes.

By adding engage to products, brands can help counter this trend, promoting the provenance of the item, and building protection against potential counterfeits, all through the use of our smartphones.”

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